The PEDI Clinic (Promoting Early Developmental Intervention) offers wrap-around services providing continuous care for moms, babies, families and caregivers with education, support and health promotion. The PEDI Clinic is an essential advancement of our mission and provides co-located, integrated multidisciplinary care for mom/baby dyads with pediatrics, maternal-fetal medicine, obstetrics and gynecology, perinatal psychiatry, and pediatric developmental psychology. The clinic emphasizes extensive, longitudinal care providing follow-up for children and families.
Additional Services:
Connection to home visitation services, including
Nurse-Family Partnership, Healthy Start,
Healthy Families, and Seeking Safety -
One-on-one health education and care management
for individuals and families who are members of
vulnerable population and high-risk groups -
Access to resources, services and education for
mom, baby and all caregivers
Purpose of the Clinic
To be a time saving, one-stop shop for you to get multiple
services in one location. Our goal is to reduce challenges by
connecting you to community resources and reinforce your
ability to care for your child and provide
support in any way possible.
Our team will work with you and your child while providing
compassionate and comprehensive care to support your
child’s health and development. This is achieved through
medical care and developmental support in a child-friendly
What to Expect from Your Visit
As a component of the care provided, you will be asked to fill out surveys and questionnaires, about your child's health and development.
Your private health information will always be protected. You will discuss questions or concerns about your child’s health and development.
You will be escorted upstairs to visit with Dr. Wright, our pediatrician, whom you may have met at the hospital or through a virtual meeting.
A portion of your appointment may include a consultation with other clinic staff such as; occupational therapists, speech or physical therapists, developmental specialists, child psychologists, etc.
Before you leave a staff member will ensure you have the supplies you need, such as diapers or wipes, to provide for your child.​
We understand children cry, need to be fed and changed, so please feel comfortable doing all of these things as this is a child friendly environment
Funding is provided by the Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners, Children's Network of Hillsborough, Florida Association of Healthy Start Coalitions, and support from Mary Lee's House.